Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday Afternoon Fever

So, it's my first Saturday Afternoon at work, and let's just say there's not much to do! Time to update my blog...

It's been an interesting week. I usually get really sick once a year; well, it's happening now! I haven't felt right for about a week now. On Tuesday I left early because I was running a fever, which continued off and on through Thursday. A nasty cough developed too, which is no fun at all.

Michelle also went down this week- guess who has mono? I feel so bad for her; she's had something major going on health-wise for quite some time now. Shortly after we got married we found out she had a thyroid condition. Then she was pregnant with Rachel, then Brandon three months later. Just when she was starting to feel good again, she broke her foot, and now mono... All she wants to do is exercise every day, but it looks like it won't be that simple!

I guess with Michelle and I not feeling well, the kids felt they needed to join in on the fun. Rachel has been doing some major teething, with at least three coming in, probably four. Let's just say that while she is an absolute sweetheart, she has had some grumpy moments lately! She had a fever of 101 on Sunday, meaning she probably had something else that was making her life miserable.

Brandon has been great- except he had some shots on Thursday, and felt he had to join the fever party. He ran a really high fever which didn't break until yesterday evening, and now it comes and goes. He was pretty miserable, and Michelle had a long day yesterday taking care of him. He's a little touchy now, but overall is pretty happy and well.

It's been interesting to see how the kids have handled the sickness. Rachel just wants to be held all the time, which is very different from her active lifestyle of running all around our home. It has been difficult to calm Brandon down- he just screams and screams. He decided to scream for over 40 minutes last night, not just the baby cry, but a real, pitiful cry. It's very frustrating! We ran out of Motrin, and the Tylenol just doesn't touch it. Needless to say, we went and bought some Motrin this morning- this time the big bottle.

Through these times I have learned a little more what an amazing woman I have married. Although she feels downright awful a lot of the time, Michelle does such a great job taking care of the kids. She spent most of the night on the couch last night with Brandon, and just does anything to take care of these little ones. I'm trying to dote on her a little more today so that she has some time to herself. We'll see if it helps.