Monday, October 6, 2008

Love and War

I was reading a classmate's post, and came across this video (thanks, Leslie!). It really hit me, and I wanted to share it with you.

Overall, really, I felt the clip was very well done.

I had to laugh as I was reading some comments people made about the video. The top complaints were probably about the language and the animals. I thought the animals were weird at first, but heck, we watch movies about animals all the time!

When I was watching the clip, the language barrier was not an issue. No, I don't speak Italian. Perhaps that's whats so great about it; I had to improvise my own words. The story was well guided enough, and I knew what was happening and the gist of the situations. But it became a little more personal for me because I was able to have the characters say in my mind what I wanted them to.

There were some comments also about how predictable the whole thing was. Okay, yeah, so it's this war movie, captain falls in love and goes off to war. So what? Do we always have to have some sort of twist to the plot, some unexpected scenario? Instead, can't we focus on the morals of the story, on how this applies to us? Of course we have seen this story before- it's taken out of history! Let's take a moment and appreciate and learn from what happened.

I find that there's this inner black hole that we get stuck in sometimes, where everything is focused on ourselves. I've been thinking more and more lately about how I need to focus more on others than myself. It's not easy to do, but I feel that it is a change that needs to happen in all of us.

So what does this have to do with the video? I guess this brought out the point out all the more. There are some tough things that happen, and if we open our eyes a little more we can see it. This poor bunny lost her partner, who gave his life for his country. Okay, yeah, this is a cartoon; that doesn't make it any less real that this really happens today. I have a good friend down the street who lost his leg and has terminal cancer. My manager at work has been in and out of the hospital over the last month because of thyroid and heart problems. Do we see these things happening around us? If so, what are we doing about it? It's time to pull out of our selfish black hole and start making a difference. God intended it to be that way. He has asked us to step up and be His hands; I hope I can do a better job of it.

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